Types of fences made from cylindrical products

Palisade is a cylindrical wooden product with a smooth surface, whose ends are chamfered on one or both sides. Palisades (garden posts) are widely used in garden and landscape constructions, agriculture.
Sharpened palisade (cylindrical pole) is also a cylindrical product with a smooth surface, but with a pyramidal sharpening on one side and an end or chamfer on the other. Cylindrical posts serve as supports for agricultural crops and can be used as fences.
Examples of structures made from cylindrical products
Vertical fences consist of ready spans 250 cm long, consisting of twenty-two cylindrical semicircular elements, fixed on rails with diameters of 7 or 8 cm using galvanized nails. The top ends of the elements can have a round sharpening, chamfer, or bevel cut.
Posts are chosen based on the height of the fence, usually with diameters ranging from 8 to 12 cm. Fence kits with a height of 80 and above include ready-made gates. Vertical fences are a simple, affordable, and aesthetic solution for fencing.
A hunting fence 250 cm long consists of 22 cylindrical semicircular elements, which are connected crosswise with galvanized nails. Outer elements can have a right or left slope, and the top ends can have a round sharpening, chamfer, or bevel cut.
Crossbars are made from rails with diameters of 7-8 cm. Posts have a diameter of 8-12 cm depending on the fence’s height. For fences up to 60 cm high, spans can be installed on three posts without crossbars. Fences with a height of 80 cm and above include ready-made gates.
The second type of fence consists of cylindrical wooden posts with a diameter of 14 cm with a longitudinal groove at the top and rails with a diameter of 10 cm. Cylindrical elements with a diameter of 5 cm are installed in the underground part of the post. The elements are fastened with galvanized nails. Rail fences are durable, easy to install, and have the unique beauty of wood. They perfectly complement other wooden structures in the area.
The third type of fence consists of ready spans and palisades with holes, packed in sets of 13 pieces each. One post is included in each span. Additional posts will be needed for installation on uneven ground.

The fourth type of fence includes palisades with holes – posts and plain palisades. Typically, the kit includes one post with two holes and two fencing elements. However, various options for this type of fencing can be executed according to the customer’s preferences.
Paving consists of pine cylinders 10 cm high and with diameters ranging from 5 to 16 cm, packed in bags of 0.3 m2 each. It can consist of elements of different sizes to create unique patterns. Paving is moisture-resistant and blends well with other wooden structures in landscape design.